BAK on 'resistance'
Rhythms/Performances of Subversion & Conformity
INTRODUCTION (Genealogy) Rhythms/Performances of Subversion & Conformity is a one-day symposium that draws inspirati…
Pride at BAK: Queer Film Program
The queer film program covers a variety of topics: gender history, exceptional stories of queer individuals, a proposal …
…out as inevitably predestined for violence, suffering, and obliteration, they shoot horses centers dancing as an act of …
Convention: public program
Friday 24 May 2024 16.00–22.00 hrs Saturday 25 May 2024 12–22.00 hrs PRACTICAL INFORMATION The public progra…
Convention: working sessions
Friday 24 May 2024 Working sessions 11.30–16.00 hrs “Beyond Value” convened by Denise Ferreira da Silva and Ma…
Chapter one, exhibition
…st as a form of political becoming that generates alternative forms of relating to earth as a means of practicing micro …
Join Our Crowdfunding Campaign
…esuming agriculture Initiatives supported by Freefilmers include: * Grassroots and anarchist kitchens; * The radio…
Re-Posing: resistance, Respiration, and Resolution
Online Participation Watch the stream online (no registration required) viaeternalconferences.cargo.siteTo be able to …
Belonging: Thou shalt not worship at the altar of access
Leaning into the discomfort of friction creates a rupture in the culture of the institution, where we can investigate th…
Ultrasympathetic Ultratranslation: Re-Languaging Justice
They are bodies that turn the everyday life problem of language into practices of resistance. Through trainings, perform…
Schedule 00. OPENING Saturday, 01 April 2023, 14:00–22:00 hrs RRRadiossage Reading Rhythms Club Free entr…
Fragments of Repair/Gathering VI: Invisible Bridges
…ten involves embracing the scar as a natural part of healing, honoring thus the traces of past wounds as a reservoir of …
Fragments of Repair/La Colonie Nomade
17 April–3 July 2021 Fragments of Repair/La Colonie Nomade is a three-month collective study program conceptualized …
KSU X Basic Activist Kitchen: Rojava – Kurdish autonomous region
…KSU) and the Basic Activist Kitchen invite you to an evening of information and discussion on the Rojava region and its …
BAK x LGW: Performance Patricia Kaersenhout & Angel Bat Dawid
… painter Sandro Boticcelli, while engaging in storytelling, dialogue and spiritual healing as a training for collective …
Bratislava BAK Summer School: Art in a Time of Interregnum
…ositions of class, global migration, and the endurability of the planet, so transform ideas, practices, and meanings of …
Propositions #6: The Temporary Institute for the Contemporary
…evelop between the voices, becoming a “spatial conversation” that re-constitutes public space as a site of euphonic …
….2005 On Mutation (post–Cold War and new order) panel discussion 17.12.2005 On Imagining (options and strategies of …
Propositions #2: Assemblism
… that addresses the current rise of the new authoritarian world order, and the millions of bodies that have gathered in …
BAK Summer School: Art in a Time of Interregnum
…ositions of class, global migration, and the endurability of the planet, so transform ideas, practices, and meanings of …
BAK Summer School: Art and Practice in the Otherwise
…mental, geopolitical, economic, and technological structures are rapidly rearranging. Ideas, practices, and meanings of …
New World Academy #4: The Art of Creating a State
…it is not recognized by any other country in the world. The history of the Azawadian revolutionary movement lies in the …
New World Academy #5: Stateless Democracy
… its Arab allies against Islamic ultra-fundamentalists. Over the last several years, however, a progressive Kurdish-led …
Future Collections
…obal condition, undergirded by the culture of networks (social, digital, religious, and other) and the proliferation of …
Constructing Other Worlds
…ture Vocabularies (2014–2016). If the former aims at developing a critical understanding of the legacy of the radical …
Revolution after Revolution: The Commune as Line of Flight in Palestinian Anticolonialism
…published in Critical Times journal, this essay foregrounds the Palestinian people’s creativity within their forms of …
Riot Now: Square, Street, Commune
…hen to the commune, Clover’s chapter shows the ways in which public grounds have been co-opted and used as a means of …
Palestine & the Commons: Or, Marx & the Musha’a
…ineation as means of “progress.” Against this destructive encroachment, the Palestinian musha’a sits as a site of …
Usufructuaries of earth: a slow-growing reader
…iver of glass, a cactus thorn, on 4 May, and hosted by bookstore khan Aljanub, is an invitation to dwell on Palestinian …
In the interview, Arango shares about Grupo Semillas, an organization that has supported Indigenous and peasant communit…
Solidarity with Lumbung
…y that this attack failed. Almost no one at documenta gave in to the lame attempt to frame the Palestinian struggle and …
The Hauntologists
It includes new texts, archival resources, interviews and other research-artistic contributions that bring together the …
Digital Discomfort
Formed as part of the 2021/2022 BAK Fellowship for Situated Practice, the Cell for Digital Discomfort (CfDD)—composed …
…inians foraging wild plants for food and medicine; something their survival had depended on for centuries. These humble …
To Read the War
…those subjected to war of every kind. If solidarity is a multiplicity of generative pathways to become more in both the …
Standing With Ukraine
…publication of material such as texts, documentation, and live online events that offer context and insights to radical …
In these dark days, we stand in solidarity with the millions of residents of Ukraine whose lives are endangered and irre…
Kahanoff’s Levantinism: The Anachronic Possibilities of a Concept
After the Six-Day War, the Egyptian-born Israeli writer Jacqueline Kahanoff deployed the notion of Levantinism to challe…
No Linear Fucking Time Bibliography
With hyperlinked key terms including “colonization of time,” “cyclical time,” “crip time,” “queer temporal…
In Some Places the Not-Yet Has Long Been Already
These ancestral catastrophes, she writes, “keep arriving out of the ground that colonialism and racism tilled, rather …
Living the Not-Yet
Drawing from her work as a prison abolitionist, and speaking specifically to movements and ideas led by Black struggle i…
Reclaiming Time: On Blackness and Landscape
Drawing from his collection of poems Thinking with Trees, he outlines a colonial epistemology of nature and argues for p…
Kader Attia and Marion von Osten
This conversation first appeared in RepaiR, Kader Attia and Léa Gauthier, eds. (Paris: BlackJack Éditions, 2014). It …
Living Without Approval
New World Academy Reader #5: Stateless Democracy (2015), edited by Renée In der Maur and Jonas Staal in dialogue with D…
Schooling Assembly
Rather than cataloging these horrors again, Nora N. Khan instead recounts the types of moments that have been generated …
To Live the Coming Death
…re the Covid-19 pandemic began to produce a massive death toll, which has contributed to the ignition of mass political …
Fragments of Repair
… What pathways could repair, rather than return to, past ways? How can we develop collective tools for emancipation and …
Citizens and Subjects: The Netherlands, for example
…ts: The Netherlands, for example is a site where issues of fear, anxiety, and (illegal) immigration—but also cultural …
New World Academy Reader #1: Towards a People’s Culture
…al political parties and organizations with strong leftist and Maoist affinities. Its development can be traced back to …
New World Academy Reader #4: The Art of Creating a State
…endent, multiethnic and multireligious state of Azawad. The history of the Azawadian revolutionary movement lies in the …
adaptör projekt
… a way to organize and to emphasize plurality. She will investigate how the term “companion” might become a site of …
Firat Yücel
The research he will carry out during the BAK Fellowship for Situated Practice derives from the questions: Why do we fee…
Maoyi Qiu
…pects of technology on emotions and corporeal experiences. They believe that somatic practices, as forms of pedagogical …
Yuliia Elyas
…kers from Ukraine to narrate their own stories. This project seeks to align itself with various forms of solidarity and …
Ayça Yüksel
Yüksel’s research for the BAK Fellowship for Situated Practice emphasizes the perspective that humans are not separat…
Angelika Ustymenko
Determined to support their community and continue queer resistance, they have been documenting the experiences of queer…
Iliada Charalambous
…or individuals or groups to gather and share ideas, methods, and tools for collective organizing and potential forms of …
Antonio Paucar
…ist from Universität der Künste Berlin, Berlin. His work centers on subjects such as Andean traditions, ancestrality, …
Ruth Wilson Gilmore
Wilson writes about abolition, racial capitalism, organized violence, organized abandonment, changing state structure, t…
Extinction Rebellion Utrecht
…n Rebellion Utrecht Extinction Rebellion (XR) is an international movement that uses nonviolent civil disobedience as a …
Jeremiah Day
…remiah Day is an artist whose work employs photography, speech, and body language to re-examine political conflicts and …
Florin Tudor
Mona Vâtâmanu (born 1968) and Florin Tudor (born 1974) are artists, working together since 2000. Their artistic pract…
Mona Vâtâmanu
Mona Vâtâmanu (born 1968) and Florin Tudor (born 1974) are artists, working together since 2000. Their artistic prac…