BAK on 'feminism'
Complaint Making: Setting Up Conflict-Positive Spaces for Community Building Praxis
…plaint making be a recording device? feminism is a word a lot of us use, answer to, and try to define, but how do we do …
Propositions #9: Deserting from the Culture Wars
…sensitivity, injured entitlement, angry rants, and memes about “cultural Marxism,” immigration, climate change, and …
Curating (Beyond) Exhibitions: Critical Curatorial Practices and Contemporary Society
…and eight seminars, the principles of curating artistic projects addressing social and political issues—in particular …
Urgent Matters
From Saturday, 18 April until Sunday, 2 August 2009, BAK, basis voor actuele kunst in Utrecht and the Van Abbemuseum in …
Palestine & the Commons: Or, Marx & the Musha’a
This separation is situated in a vast history of coloniality as capitalist development: violence, land grabbing, regulat…
Ecological Catastrophe: Nature Talks Back
It suggests that the increasing climatic disasters affecting humans are, as Tolhidan says, “illustrative of nature’s…
Together in Time
These are some of the topics addressed in this interview with Elizabeth Freeman—queer theorist and author of the books…
No Linear Fucking Time Bibliography
With hyperlinked key terms including “colonization of time,” “cyclical time,” “crip time,” “queer temporal…
Living Without Approval
New World Academy Reader #5: Stateless Democracy (2015), edited by Renée In der Maur and Jonas Staal in dialogue with D…
Marion von Osten,
…K Critical Reader in Artists’ Practice critically maps the political commitment of von Osten’s influential work to …
Paula Montecinos Oliva
Montecinos Oliva’s project—Sonic Fabulative feminism—within the BAK Fellowship for Situated Practice, explores the…
Lola Olufemi
Her work focuses on the uses of the imagination in revolutionary cultural production; its relationship to futurity, poli…
Wan Ing Que
She is concerned with intersectional feminism and anti-colonialism, approaching these from a range of topics, including …
Övül Durmuşoğlu
…been working with Altyazi Monthly Cinema Magazine (Istanbul) since its foundation. She has also given public talks on …
Ethel Brooks
Ethel Brooks (born 1967) is a writer and researcher whose work explores critical political economy, globalization, socia…
Hito Steyerl
Hito Steyerl (Berlin) is an artist and writer whose work, through documentary photography and video, focuses on feminism…
Giovanna Zapperi
…ersité François-Rabelais, Tours. Her scholarly work examines the interrelation of art criticism, visual culture, and, …
Bev Skeggs
Bev Skeggs is a sociologist whose work intersects with the areas of women’s studies and cultural studies. Since 2004, …
Angela Dimitrakaki
…o-directs the MSc in Modern and Contemporary Art and the Global Contemporary Research Group. Working across Marxism and …
Chia Longman and Sarah Bracke III
An introduction as part of the concerning the postsecular series. 22.01.2008, Utrecht University, Utrecht (NL)…
Sarah Bracke
A lecture as part of the concerning the postsecular series. 22.01.2008, Utrecht University, Utrecht (NL) www.bakonlin…
Chia Longman and Sarah Bracke II
A question remark as part of the concerning the postsecular series. 22.01.2008, Utrecht University, Utrecht (NL) www.…
Chia Longman
A lecture as part of the concerning the postsecular series. 22.01.2008, Utrecht University, Utrecht (NL) www.bakonlin…
Chia Longman and Sarah Bracke I
A discussion as part of the concerning the postsecular series. 22.01.2008, Utrecht University, Utrecht (NL) www.bakon…
Judith Butler and Rosi Braidotti IV
A lecture as part of the concerning the postsecular series. 06.03.2008, Utrecht University, Utrecht (NL) www.bakonlin…
Judith Butler and Rosi Braidotti III
A lecture as part of the concerning the postsecular series. 06.03.2008, Utrecht University, Utrecht (NL) www.bakonlin…
Judith Butler and Rosi Braidotti II
A discussion as part of the concerning the postsecular series. 06.03.2008, Utrecht University, Utrecht (NL) www.bakon…
Judith Butler and Rosi Braidotti I
A lecture as part of the concerning the postsecular series. 06.03.2008, Utrecht University, Utrecht (NL) www.bakonlin…