18 November 2019
Taste Before You Waste: Screening Wasted Waste

The Basic Activist Kitchen X Taste Before You Waste

Taste Before You Waste takes over the Basic Activist Kitchen, inviting you to soup and a screening on Monday 18 November. This program is part of Trainings for the Not-Yet at BAK.

Facebook event

Film screening: Wasted Waste by Pedro Serra
In his documentary Wasted Waste, Pedro Serra follows a group of freegans in their daily lives. Freegans are people who refuse to partake in capitalism, by using the things capitalism leaves behind. Besides mountains of food surplus, this documentary shows an alternative way of living, one that could sustain all.

18.00-19.00: Soup
19.00-20.30: Documentary screening
20.30-20.45: Q&A

Taste Before You Waste will also take over the Basic Activist Kitchen, providing a healthy and hearty soup to all who come to join the screening.

This program takes place in the context of the project Trainings for the Not-Yet. Sign-up by sending an e-mail to kitchen@bakonline.org
Entry: free/donation

About Taste Before You Waste
Around 2013/2012 a group of international students started with picking up food that would otherwise be wasted, and dropping it off at refugee shelters once a week. Today, Taste Before You Waste – a horizontally organized, volunteer-run grassroots movement – is active almost every day of the week to get food to a refugee shelter, the freeshop, events and hungry bellies at cultural center ACU. The food system is broken, and TBYW try to make people aware by getting a tiny part of the humongous food surplus into empty stomachs.

About the Basic Activist Kitchen

Throughout the course of Trainings for the Not-Yet, the Basic Activist Kitchen (the BAK) organizes daily cooking sessions and meals for trainings participants as well as for passers-by. The Basic Activist Kitchen is run by a group of Utrecht-based activists, artists, and researchers with backgrounds in theatre, art, squatting, organizing, anthropology, history, and gender studies, in collaboration with Food for Good, Asia Komarova (Casco and the Outsiders), M. G. Lostia, Willem Geertman Art and Culture Collective, Revolutionaire Eenheid, Sayonara Stutgard, 3k, and others, initiated by Jeanne van Heeswijk. Each week, different individuals and collectives are invited to collaborate and thus engage their respective practices and networks in the activity of communal cooking. Next to cooking, the BAK organizes skill sharing workshops and facilitates fellow activists and organizers to organize their own events in the exhibition space.