BAK on 'scale'
Rhythms/Performances of Subversion & Conformity
…with sexuality and societal perceptions. RED COMUNITARIA TRANS (Daniela Maldonado Fonseca, Katalina Angel, and Pa…
Climate Propagandas Congregation
…s. The congregation brings together research models, ideas, and tools for deliberation in an immersive diorama: a large-…
…ALITY Since October 2022, seven study groups have been doing field work towards BAK Community Portal’s first large-…
Sancochotopia: A Winter Ultrahospitality Mini Garage School
…TALITY Since October 2022, seven study groups have been doing field work towards BAK Community Portal’s first large-…
Ultrastudio XXL
Ultrastudio XXL Day 1: Saturday From our first session in Rotterdam, Repelsteeltje guides us into a silkscreening wo…
To Watch the War
…he Russian war on Ukraine that began with Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014 and which continues to date as a full-…
Propositions #7/5: Sense
…e a privileged means of representing and understanding the changes that are taking place on our planet on a territorial …
The Return of Religion and Other Myths
The Return of Religion and Other Myths is a large-scale multifaceted project, consisting of the exhibition The Art of Ic…
… and spatially, to Cold War as a competition and tension kept alive by an ongoing mutual anticipation of potential full-…
Other Survivalisms
…tory of the culminating phase of BAK’s flagship collaborative research program FORMER WEST (2008–2016). These small-…
Art and Labor After the End of Work
…ity, as a means of capital’s further expansion globally, has brought about new forms of class (re)composition at this …
Ethnography as (Im)possible Realism
In this text, Mollona recounts his comparative fieldwork in researching how working-class communities of Sheffield and V…
A Pluriverse of Local Worlds: A Review of Computing within Limits—Related Terminology and Practices
…hin Limits—Related Terminology and Practices,” software artist and writer Marloes de Valk maps a diversity of small …
To Watch the War: The Moving Image Amidst the Invasion of Ukraine (2014–2023) Guidebook English
…the Russian war on Ukraine since 2014. Appealing to grassroots imaginary tactics, these works grapple on very different …
Collective Dictionary: Political
Established in Amsterdam in 2012, We Are Here is the first large-scale organization of refugees living in limbo in the N…
Iridescent Ammunitions: Time Travel as Survival
While coloniality has enforced an externalization of time and space as things outside the body, Sengupta affirms practic…
Maidan and (8 Years) After: State of the Ukrainian Left
…al coordinator for the International Women’s League for Peace and Freedom, Kyiv. Yet today—one month after the full-…
Immortals: On the Ancient Future Lives of Stone and Plastic
As quasi-immortal materials, stone and plastic bear witness to the catastrophic effects of extractive linearity, while a…
Dearest Xen (Letters to Lichen)
Through the lenses of xenology (Knouf’s term for the study, analysis, and development of the strange, alien, and other…
No Linear Fucking Time
As an integral part of the exhibition and discursive project No Linear Fucking Time (2021–2022), the impetus is ground…
Pig Eater
Weaving fantasies of abundance and the abolition of work; of feasting and resting; of sabotage, anachronism, and the fuc…
Kader Attia and Marion von Osten
This conversation first appeared in RepaiR, Kader Attia and Léa Gauthier, eds. (Paris: BlackJack Éditions, 2014). It …
Living Without Approval
New World Academy Reader #5: Stateless Democracy (2015), edited by Renée In der Maur and Jonas Staal in dialogue with D…
Schooling Assembly
Rather than cataloging these horrors again, Nora N. Khan instead recounts the types of moments that have been generated …
To Live the Coming Death
…e or die, reckoned along local and global axes, has been daily iterated in graphs, charts, percentages, and logarithmic …
The Return of Religion and Other Myths (handbook)
This handbook is part of The Return of Religion and Other Myths, a large-scale multifaceted project, consisting of …
Gerardo Gomez Tonda
…aning towards socio-ecological accountability and care, the artist builds (propositionally) work that operates in a 1:1 …
Yuliia Elyas
Elyas’s research proposal for the BAK Fellowship for Situated Practice focuses on a decolonial reimagining of the narr…
Hong Kong-Mainland Relationship Repairment Study Group (HKMRRSG)
… HKMRRSG meets regularly irregularly to germinate new possibilities for solidarity and repair by way of centering small-…
Chloë Bass
…and installation. In her work, daily life functions become sites of deep research to address and make visible different …
Jeanne van Heeswijk
… who facilitates the creation of dynamic and diversified public spaces in order to “radicalize the local.” Her long-…
We Are Here
We Are Here (Amsterdam) is the first large-scale organization of refugees in limbo in the Netherlands. It was establishe…
Shuddhabrata Sengupta
Shuddhabrata Sengupta is an artist and writer, and member of Raqs Media Collective, a group that combines research, hist…
Camila Sposati
… Combining elements of geology, archeology, and chemistry, her work examines processes on microscopic as well as global …
Judy Radul
… includes photography, live actions, and audio. Radul’s critical writing has been widely published. In 2009 her large-…
Maya Felixbrodt
Maya Felixbrodt plays viola, composes, draws faces, makes large-scale collages, dances, researches movement and music, m…
Collective Dictionary: Political
…ated platform for learning called We Are Here Academy. Established in Amsterdam in 2012, We Are Here is the first large-…
Fear, Communciation, and Jung: Faranak Mirjalili, Omar Mismar, and Imogen Stidworthy
Emerging from her research trajectory, BAK 2019/2020 Fellow Katia Krupennikova convenes a series of online sessions and …
Propositions #7/5 I
A discussion with Samaneh Moafi (Forensic Architecture, London) and Hilde Brontsema (Milieudefensie, Amsterdam).
Samaneh Moafi
A lecture by Samaneh Moafi (Forensic Architecture, London) as part of the Propositions for Non-Fascist living #7: Eviden…
Wietske Maas
An introduction by Wietkse Maas (BAK basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht) as part of the Propositions for Non-Fascist livi…
Propositions #7/5
With Samaneh Moafi (Forensic Architecture, London) and Hilde Brontsema (Milieudefensie, Amsterdam).