BAK on 'cinema'
Rhythms/Performances of Subversion & Conformity
…eolization, and National Identities in Post-Colonial Dutch Caribbean A presentation on post-independence Surinamese …
Convention: working sessions
Friday 24 May 2024 Working sessions 11.30–16.00 hrs “Beyond Value” convened by Denise Ferreira da Silva and Ma…
Propositions #7/6: Archive
…usly and laboriously assembled, they contain truths yet to be articulated, histories yet to be written. However, as the …
Adrian Paci
… the notion of fiction and reality, as well as with reality and its representation. In his work he exploits mimesis and …
Spacecraft Icarus 13: Narratives of Progress from Elsewhere
Curated by Cosmin Costinas, the exhibition Spacecraft Icarus 13: Narratives of Progress from Elsewhere presents a number…
Immortals: On the Ancient Future Lives of Stone and Plastic
As quasi-immortal materials, stone and plastic bear witness to the catastrophic effects of extractive linearity, while a…
Kalipso VJ
After organizing underground events across Italy, Portugal, Spain, France, California, and Colombia, she moved to Amster…
Field Meal Network
Throughout 2024, the Community Portal organizes a series of mutual fieldwork visits between cultural kitchen workers in …
adaptör projekt
…mpanions” outside of power and control, as influenced by feminist storytelling, speculative fiction, and experimental …
Firat Yücel
The research he will carry out during the BAK Fellowship for Situated Practice derives from the questions: Why do we fee…
Astrid Feringa
During the BAK Fellowship for Situated Practice, Feringa will further develop Hardcore Soft Politics: an auto-ethnograph…
Catarina de Sousa
She is the founder of Casa do Xisto, an artistic residency that aims to promote connectivity through the cinematic exper…
Pol Merchan
His audiovisual work examines cinematic processes while dissecting traditional filmmaking methods. Merchan’s films hav…
Akosua Adoma Owusu
Her cinematic essays and experimental films address the collision of identities, where the African immigrant located in …
Barbara Hammer
“My work makes these invisible bodies and histories visible. As a lesbian artist,” Hammer stated, “I found little …
Felipe Esparza Pérez
Felipe Esparza Pérez Felipe Esparza’s work creates dynamic links and tensions between cinema, visual arts, and video …
Mike Dibb
…nt filmmaker who has been producing and directing films for television for many years on a wide range of subjects, from …
Larry Achiampong
With works that examine his communal and personal heritage—in particular, the intersection between pop culture and the…
Douglas Gordon
… 2005; and 24 Hour Psycho, Tramway, Glasgow, 1997. One of his recent works, a collaboration with Philippe Parreno, is a …
E. C. Feiss
E. C. Feiss is a researcher, critic, and a PhD candidate at the History of Art Department of University of California, B…
Övül Durmuşoğlu
Övül Durmuşoğlu (born 1978) is a curator and critic who completed a BA in Translating and Interpreting at Bogazici U…
Olga Chernysheva
Olga Chernysheva (born 1962) is an artist who holds a BA from the Moscow cinema Academy, Moscow (1986), and graduated fr…
Marina Vishmidt
Marina Vishmidt (born 1976) is a writer, editor, and critic occupied mainly with questions around art, labor, and value.…
Michael Uwemedimo
… Vision: The cinema of Jean Rouch, ICA, London,During his Research-in-Residence, Uwemedimo worked on a small book about …
Oleksiy Radynski
His films have been screened at International Film Festival Rotterdam, Rotterdam; Oberhausen International Short Film Fe…
Mijke van der Drift at Love Spells & Rituals for Another World
BAK 2019/2020 Fellow Mijke van der Drift presents her research The Logic of Loss in Bonding in the talk “Realisitcally…
Harry Weeks
Harry Weeks is an art historian and researcher. Currently, he is Teaching Fellow in History of Art at The University of …
Job Koelewijn
Job Koelewijn is an artist. His work, ranging from installations to photography and multiples, invites the use of hearin…
In Proximity: Wendelien van Oldenborgh
For this first session of "In Proximity," an ongoing series featured on Prospections, BAK’s Curator of Public Practice…
Seminar with Andrea Phillips
As part of a session convened by 2017/2018 BAK Fellow Otobong Nkanga, educator and political organizer in the arts Andre…
Elizabeth A. Povinelli and Vivian Ziherl— Wutharr
…quish their country, and a means of investigating contemporary social forms of inequality; they make reference to third …