(c) Beatrice Catazaro
(c) Beatrice Catazaro
until 15 December 2019
Training XX

Exploring Untimely Togetherness

The twentieth training as part of the Trainings for the Not-Yet is with Beatrice Catanzaro. It takes place on 11–15 December 2019 (Wednesday–Sunday). This training focuses on exploring memories, communal writing and visualising (personal) stories.

“You know, you really wake up to yourself through the other.” These words from a coloquial conversation—a reminder that “waking up” to oneself means, simultaneously, waking up to forms of coming together—inspired this training exploring relatedness; relatedness with one another, as well as to thoughts, surroundings, and things visible and invisible.

The training explores how this coming together can be envisioned as untimely: one that does not follow the rules of a linear notion of time passing through the present from the past and into the future, but rather manifests in colliding temporalities in which the conventional distinction between the self and the other are haunted by forms that are not-yet. If historians usually treat untimeliness as an abstract notion, this training aspires to unearth its meaning through practice: namely, through collective narration of personal biographies. The aim is to co-produce a text that symbolizes this process, with awareness of pressure points where the personal and the collective collide and interweave with one another or not.

When: 11-15 December 2019 (Wednesday-Sunday)
Daily, 14–18 hrs, followed on weekdays by dinner at 18 hrs and preceded on Saturday by lunch at 13 hrs in the Basic Activist Kitchen.
On Sunday 15 December the training week will culminate in a public event and consists of a dinner 18 – 19 hrs followed by a lecture by George Bajalia (one of the trainers of the collective QANAT that is giving the parallel training this week) 19 – 20 hr. This public event is free for training participants.


picture taken during A feast by & for by
picture taken during A feast by & for by De Voorkamer. Photo: Tom Janssen.
Picture taken during A feast by & for by
Picture taken during A feast by & for by De Voorkamer
Mapping Qanats (c) QANAT
Mapping Qanats (c) QANAT
Carmen Papalia, collaborative performanc
Carmen Papalia, collaborative performance