Paul Pfeiffer

digital technologies and new media artist
Paul Pfeiffer is an artist known for his
sophisticated use of digital technologies
and new media.
Using digital erasure, magnification, and repetition, Pfeiffer samples and retouches images and video footage from sporting events, concerts, game
shows, and Hollywood films to enhance
their psychological effects. By drawing attention to certain aspects of visual culture
and concealing others, he underlines the
spectacular nature of contemporary media
and its consumption. Pfeiffer has had
one-person exhibitions at Whitney Museum
of American Art, New York (2001); and the
Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago,
Chicago (2003 and 2017–2018). He has
presented work in major international exhibitions such as Seoul Mediacity Biennial
(2022) and Toronto Biennial (2022), and
his work is in the permanent collections of
the Museum of Modern Art, New York and
Inhotim Museu de Arte Contemporanea,
Inhotim, Brazil, among others.
