Bakudapan Food Study Group

Bakudapan Food Study Group is a study group formed by Elia Nurvista, Gatari Surya Kusuma, Irindhita Laras Putri, Khairunnisa, and Monika Swastyatsu. The group discusses ideas on food, believing that food is not merely about filling the stomach. Moreo
Bakudapan Food Study Group Bakudapan Food Study Group is a study group formed by Elia Nurvista, Gatari Surya Kusuma, Irindhita Laras Putri, Khairunnisa, and Monika Swastyatsu. The group discusses ideas on food, believing that food is not merely about filling the stomach. Moreover, food is not restricted to cooking, history, c


picture taken during A feast by & for by
picture taken during A feast by & for by De Voorkamer. Photo: Tom Janssen.
Picture taken during A feast by & for by
Picture taken during A feast by & for by De Voorkamer
The City Staircase
The City Staircase