Ola Hassanain

artist, architect, and researcher
Ola Hassanain works between Amsterdam and Khartoum, focusing on developing spatial literacy through the idea of “space as discourse,” an expanded notion of space that encompasses a scavenging mode of analysis and the re-presentation of space.
In this residency, her artistic research responds to the politics of space—namely, how architecture positions “building” as an ecological “emptying” of territories and as an infrastructure for continuous cycles of “catastrophe,” such as forced migration. In her work she decomposes conventional linear perspectives, vantage points still used today for the representation of built forms, and the induction of future realities, by including practices of space-making rooted in other sensibilities. The line that follows (2023) is an analogous constellation composed of manipulated perspective drawings derived from routes taken in Khartoum, abstracted forms, text, diagrams, and Sufi and Zar practices—all placeholders for an unemptied space.


Marwa Arsanios, Usufructuaries of earth,
Marwa Arsanios, Usufructuaries of earth, exhibition opening BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht, 2024, photo: Tom Janssen
Marwa Arsanios, Usufructuaries of earth,
Marwa Arsanios, Usufructuaries of earth, installation view BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht, 2024, photo: Tom Janssen
Urban Practices and the Future of the Ci
Urban Practices and the Future of the City a paneldiscussion with Urban Front (i.a. David Harvey and Miguel Robles-Durán), BAK basis voor actuele kunst, 5 December 2019, photo: Tom Janssen
Wendelien van Oldenborgh, Housing the Gh
Wendelien van Oldenborgh, Housing the Ghosts of Possibilities, walk in Kanaleneiland during Propositions #6: The Temporary Institute for the Contemporary at BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht on 30 June 2018, photo: Tom Janssen
Participants present at the 2018 BAK Sum
Participants present at the 2018 BAK Summer School
Doug Ashford, _Bunker 2, 2017, video sti
Doug Ashford, _Bunker 2, 2017, video still, courtesy the artist and Wilfried Lentz Rotterdam
BAK Fellows in MaHKU Graduation Show: If
BAK Fellows in MaHKU Graduation Show: If Not Now